Welcome to the Blog By Brenda R. Bryan
The Power Between Your Ears: Creating a Life You Love
It’s the five inches between my ears that give me the most trouble—and the greatest joy. Have you ever wondered what the power of creation really means? I’ve been fascinated by the power of imagination all my life—the ability to bring something into existence that didn’t exist until inspiration struck. But what does it take […]
Welcoming Winter: Embracing Stillness, Quiet, and Renewal
Welcoming Winter: Embracing Stillness, Quiet, and Renewalby Brenda R. Bryan We’ve just passed the Winter Solstice, and we’re entering the long winter nights and the darkness they bring. For many, this season can trigger mental and emotional distress. While some attribute these struggles to a Vitamin D deficiency, they also occur because we haven’t learned […]
Living in Gratitude: Celebrating Life and Embracing Growth
Living in Gratitude: Celebrating Life and Embracing Growth As we enter the holiday season, a time for reflection and gratitude, I’ve been contemplating the deeper lessons life has brought me this year. One of the most powerful has been learning to celebrate life as it is—finding gratitude not just for the good moments, but in […]
The Connection Between Dream-Building and Storytelling
What is transformational work truly about? Transformation is more than mere change; it’s about going beyond—transcending old forms and creating new outcomes. Last year, I began channeling insights into the power of our stories, realizing that by changing our stories, we unlock the ability to build the dreams we desire. The science of dream-building and […]
The Power of Owning Your Story
Each of us has a story, but what can we do with it? Is it a story focused on your dream? Or is it a story focused on your pain? Our minds have six mental faculties—”Memory” and “Perspective” being two of them. Our ability to think allows us to create our own story, but many […]
Manifestation is a Powerful Tool
Manifestation is a Powerful Toolby Brenda R. Bryan “If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you; if you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.” – Jesus Have you ever thought there must be more? Have you ever wondered what it takes to experience more? Here […]
Sucking the Marrow out of Life
Sucking the Marrow out of Lifeby Brenda R. Bryan What a life I GET to live. How many days a week do you wake up and say, “I love my life”? I wake up daily in gratitude for the life I am creating by design. That’s right, BY DESIGN. One day, I realized that, in […]
Women’s Economy – Women’s Commerce
The other day, I was in a Marketing Mastermind networking group I belong to. What came up in that session was the awareness that most of us see selling as sleazy and awkward. Did you know that women open 52% of all new businesses? The bad news is that those businesses only claim 4% of […]
Embrace Your Power: The Journey to Becoming a Radiant Woman
In a world where power often seems synonymous with aggression or dominance, redefining what it truly means to be a powerful woman is crucial. Picture the luminous grace of Michelle Obama, the unyielding determination of Malala Yousafzai, or the quiet strength of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. These women didn’t conform to outdated notions of power; instead, […]
Unlocking the Power Within
“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken on your own.”-Warren Buffet When we are born, we are empty containers wide open for programming. All of life starts to pour into us. Others give us what they decide we need to live in this life. We […]
The Journey of Doing Sacred Work
A couple of weeks ago, I was doing my evening affirmation meditation. I received a download during the meditation that brought tingles to my nervous system. I could feel a truth that had escaped me, even realizing that I teach spiritual evolution. The download said, “You need to recognize your sacred work on this planet.” […]
Learning to Celebrate
I belong to a community of coaches who are investing in changing the world through developing their skills as coaches and dream builders. The Brave Thinking Institute put out a call for submission for Transformational Coach of the Year. Let me tell you of my journey… How does one learn to celebrate when all your […]