Welcome to the Blog By Brenda R. Bryan
The Vision
The Visionby Brenda R. Bryan Imagine This: 20 women dressed in all white, wearing painters’ coveralls and white masks, standing in a spot on the stage in total darkness. One voice rises from the stage, “I AM.” One woman is getting ready to tell her story, a collective story. She shares a story of pain, […]
3 Keys to Rock Your Keynote
3 Keys to Rock Your Keynoteby Brenda R. Bryan I am curious, what message are you sending out to reach your best clients? After years of learning the craft of public speaking, I wanted to figure out how I could optimize it for the building of my business. The first thing I heard was that […]
Create the Life You Love
Create the Life You Loveby Brenda R. Bryan Last month I was writing about building our own economy as women and what is it to live a life of abundance. What is it to choose to live in our passion and get paid for it? I have been rebooting my career since 2012 when I […]
Building Our Own Economy
What’s the deal with not knowing how to balance a checkbook?What does it take for you to look at your financial behaviors? I grew up watching my Mom count every penny and always worried there would not be enough to meet expenses. I watched as she took a dollar and turned it into an elastic […]
Take A Stand
How are you feeling right now? The state of women’s bodies and women’s rights are beginning threaten once again. It feels like we are stepping backward. During a time when many liberties were being threatened, this is how one country stood against oppressive action. “Never Give In – Never Surrender” – Winston Churchill There is […]
Your Story. Your Narrative. Your Super Power.
Life is full of conditions, circumstances, and situations that demand we choose what we want for ourselves. But what will we stand for in standing for ourselves? In the process of living, we are forming habits, patterns, and beliefs that become our paradigms. We start to live in the patterns of these paradigms that […]
The Power of The Empress
All my life I have been interested in creativity and self-expression. Over the years I have come to know that a core value I hold is Self-Expression and, depending on the system you work with, my numerology is 3. Three is the Empress in every tarot deck. As I live my dream, I see the […]
Nature Nurtures
Step out of your house, apartment, workstation, your clothes closet. Step into the great outdoors, the neighborhood, the park, the nature reserve. Step into nature, flowing fresh air, sunlight, wind, breezes flowing through your cells. Let the sound of water excite you, connect you to life itself. We are all part of the cycle of […]
Creating A Dream
“If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” -Henry Ford How often have you wanted to do something and you talk yourself out of it? Or, you told a friend or family member made a derogatory remark and that dream went into hiding? You, dear one, you are meant to […]
Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the Music!
Celebrate, Celebrate – Dance to the Music That’s what we will be doing at my 70th Birthday Party /Book Launch! As I head into a new decade (a journey I am looking forward to), I want to celebrate a life I love. It has been such a journey to learn and come to this place […]
Build Your Dream
Do you want to bring JOY, VITALITY, and ALIVENESS to your life? Setting out into 2022- Let’s create a dream that every day you plant your feet on the floor and get INTO ACTION. Why? Because you LOVE what you are doing. You LOVE who you are being. This is a life worth working for. […]
The Law of Gratitude
The Law of Gratitudeby Brenda R. Bryan Many years ago, when following Oprah Winfrey, she was so enthusiastic about gratitude and its importance in our lives. Gratitude is about a healthy mental attitude, it is about reframing our lives to see and believe in the gifts that are offered us. This, as we well know, […]