Inward & Beyond
Walk with me through the pain, the revelation, and the transformation of choosing to grow Inward and Beyond.
Inward & beyond
These 25 poems expose the unfolding lessons that required me to dig deep, take responsibility for my unconscious behaviors and to learn radical self- care. I knew the journey would be splendidly challenging but infinitely rewarding. I said ‘yes’ to the trek.
These poems and essays are tender to me. They are messages from Spirit to support my healing. My greater work is to be part of healing relationships. And by so, we heal our society and heal our planet. People possess a deep creative magic, and we never know how that magic will change us.
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I want this book to reach hearts…
Only you can follow that nudge, only you can know what passion is waiting to find its voice. Are you ready to go Inward & Beyond?