The Power of Our Voice, Our Purpose by Brenda R. Bryan
What are you willing to do to serve your purpose, your vision? What are you ready to do to live a life you love?
So often, we let the fear of the past determine our future. When we do what we have always done, we get what we always get. The results will be the same.
I serve heart-centered women entrepreneurs with a vision of the business they want to create to thrive in a life they love.
When I first stepped into rebooting my coaching career in 2012, after 12 years of living a secluded life, I first joined Toastmasters. I knew that my mindset was one of hiding from the public, and if I was going to lead a new life, I needed to lead with conviction and confidence. I knew that no matter how nervous or fearful I was, I had to step past that old story and once again put myself on the front line of change.
As a Transformational/Speakers Coach, the results I help women achieve are to take action toward their dreams, their vision, and what they want. I provide practical and functional steps that build the image and skills to succeed.
Speaking is connecting; it is about having the methods and mindset that improve your ability to connect. Speaking is about reaching those you need to know, like, and trust you.
Connection = Currency
Our ability to step into a mindset of success means changing what we believe about ourselves. In a world that likes to determine who we get to be, that’s a significant shift. It is that shift that builds your business. It takes commitment and application of that mindset to grow your confidence.
When we choose to stand for ourselves, we change lives. By choosing to be in business, you’re saying you have a problem you solve, a pain you help reduce, and a solution to your clients’ needs.
Well, how do they find you? What do they need to know that will encourage a ‘Yes’ to work with you?
This new approach is the mindset piece of believing in yourself. Doing this requires developing an awareness of how we think and feel about ourselves, which is often our blind side. Maxwell Maltz, who wrote “The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology,” says, “You cannot out-perform your self-image.”
Here at the Raise Your Voice Speakers Club, you get the support you need to build a self-image that you are in love with. You get to grow and claim that voice within that longs to be owned and expressed. When you have a safe and sacred space to transform, you transform. Having a place to explore and practice new intentions for your self-image will support you to grow leaps and bounds in ways that build your confidence. It motivates you to use that transformation to serve your clients in the service of your dream.
Here is a quote from a client I was overjoyed to receive. It has been part of the client’s intention to communicate effectively.
“I thought you’d get a kick out of my mom’s very specific compliment. She told me today that I explain stuff really well. This statement is worth noting because she only gives compliments when she truly means it. I told her I’d been taking communication classes (a.k.a The Speaker’s Club).
I just thought this was too funny and had to share with you since one of the primary reasons I chose to work with you was because of my family’s poor communication habits, and now my previous communication deficiency is working in my favor.”
-Lynn D.
When we work on different levels of communication, the ripple effect happens. My client has been focused on her ability to speak up for herself. As she stayed true to that commitment, it has impacted many different areas of her life. As she grew in her confidence and worked with new skills, she learned how her magic could be used to create unique outcomes. She was standing in her Power to own her voice and express her genius her way. As a result, she has been invited to new experiences that are the fulfillment of lifetime dreams, art exhibitions, clothing designers, workshops, presentations, sitting on nonprofit boards, and so much more. These things she stepped in knowing she could have a more significant impact because of what she had learned working with my coaching programs. Through my Raise Your Voice Speakers Club and Badass Warriors Circle Mastermind, she has been able to invest in the version of herself that she loves.
How about you? Do you want to express your magic?
We take a more profound step toward becoming a “Speaker.” There are several practical and functional skills that you will learn that support the delivery of a fantastic message, your message that will have a more significant impact and influence.
I am the only club that gives you a place to practice, get feedback, and do all the steps to build your business as a speaker.
You become a leader.
There are many moving parts to building a business, as you know. And within the Speakers Club, we cover it all.
- The work of knowing your Why or Why you?
- Identifying your ideal client
- Speech structures
- Introductions- Your Perfect Pitch
- Your branding story
- Identifying speaking gigs
- How to book gigs
- FB /IG content
- Content that feeds and nurtures your ideal client
And so much more!
What a fantastic opportunity to grow your visibility, impact changing lives, and create a substantial income by doing it — all on Your Vision, Your Voice, and Your Terms.
I can not fully express the joy I feel when I see a powerful woman take ownership of that Power from her unique self-expression.
Are you ready to be your most authentic self? Serve your ideal clients and build a business from your vision and unique gifts?
I would love to talk with you if any of this catches your attention. Where can you add to your success by adding a shift in mindset and the mechanics of speaking to your toolkit?
Let’s have a conversation to support building a plan for that success.
Here is my link: for a Free Consultation
I look forward to connecting.
You can even place quotations!
Be The Impactful Badass you want to be
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