Create the Life You Love by Brenda R. Bryan
Last month I was writing about building our own economy as women and what is it to live a life of abundance. What is it to choose to live in our passion and get paid for it?
I have been rebooting my career since 2012 when I came to Portland. After 6 years of working to establish a continuous income, I found myself in deep frustration. I was in an amazing coaching program where I was getting great value, but the time in the trainings and masterminds was triggering me terribly. I was feeling unworthy. How could everyone else be doing so well when I was doing all that was being taught but not getting any real traction with building my business? I decided that feeling bad about myself was not helpful; no matter how I came to the training, I was still going down a deep hole of less than.
That feeling sent me on a search for answers. This discontent was the signal I needed to find a different solution to who I was being.
It became clear to me that it was my MINDSET that needed to shift. I knew I could unravel the old story, but what would I do differently? I had to get out of this murky water of discontent. I knew I was working from old programming that was deep in my beliefs, habits, and patterns. I had been studying transformational work for a long time but something was missing from my awareness.
What would I do? Who would I connect with that could take me to the energy of abundance I was seeking?
I can not tell you how much work I did on reframing my money issues. It’s been a long and enjoyable road. Life started to show me how my mind and feelings are connected to my results. I started to notice how tricky my paradigms are when it comes to keeping me trapped in my limitations.
How about you? Do you know what beliefs, patterns, and behaviors are keeping you stuck in limitations and frustration? Are you seeking to live a more fulfilled life? Do you fuel your passion on a daily base? Are you acting on behalf of that passion?
You see, what I discovered was that I wasn’t listening. I was not noticing what was underneath a lot of my thoughts and feelings; I was overriding so many emotions because I was afraid to let loose, afraid the feelings would swallow me up.
One day, I was sitting at my computer when tears started to pour down my face. I was remembering something my mother had said to me when I was really young. “Who do you think you are? You are going to end up on the streets if you don’t learn to do what you’re told and be like other girls.” I was 10ish at the time and what I was watching was absolutely disgusting to me. The girls not much older than me were getting pregnant. Their babies were getting taken care of by their parents or sent off to other families. They had to leave school and take low-paying jobs. They were never going to crawl out from under the pressure to get married and raise children. That whole idea scared the shit out of me!
You see, I had other ideas about who I wanted to be. I wanted more than I was allowed to expect. That made me a “REBEL” to my mother, someone who needed to be put in her place. She needed to control me; it felt like violence against my soul. My soul taught me to survive. This expectation by others was not who I was. Through my dreams, my soul showed me other things were possible.
When I started to cry, all those times I was told I was not enough were surging through my nervous system. That’s when I realized how deep that story was. I was experiencing years of programming being shown to me. I carried that deep belief of not being worthy into everything I was doing. It was a frequency I was generating, unconsciously. It was showing me it was there by the results I was getting. Until I could change the belief with new behaviors and actions, until I could generate a new frequency, I would be trapped in my past.
To claim this worth is all about a new awareness. It is all about noticing what we are noticing and stepping into new actions by changing our habits and behaviors.
Do you want to align your energy with the frequency of your soul’s purpose?
That memory was playing itself out over and over again as I became the controller of knowing my place. It was a threat to many ways I was different from the roles assigned and the social order I did not fit into.
I was generating a state of fear. I was unconsciously repeating the childhood memories of not enough.
So, I went after new perspectives, new viewpoints, new tools to change my energy and create a new vision of who I am, free of those constricting thoughts. I decided on the why of my burning passion. I chose to fuel my dream – daily, generating the vision in my mind’s eye. I am now focused on coming from the dream, the vision – even if the facts tell me something different.
By generating this state of burning desire, I am aware of what I love and can act from that love in a state of alignment. I am committed to noticing the shift from contraction to expansion. I stay focused on playful, spacious, curiosity while generating energy towards my passion.
Over time, I feel the shifts and notice my ability to stay longer and longer in a positive state of generating. I changed internally and my external results came along for the ride.
Knowing your worth will come from attention to your burning desire. The ability to create results for your efforts will come from staying aware of the power your mind has over your feelings, your body, your health, your relationships, your time, money, and freedom. Achieving new results will come from this new awareness. By noticing what you notice, your behaviors and actions will create shifts in your circumstance. The universe will deliver new possibilities.
My passion has always been to be a creative source of change for women. My focus has been to empower women to live their dreams, and to stand for themselves as worthy of all we seek. That is why over 50 years ago I started developing skills as a teacher, mentor, coach, business consultant, and now as a speakers’ coach. I have found my way to support you to be the dream-builder you want to be.
This journey of Being My Vision has me living a life that inspires me. A life I love. A life committed to the spiritual principle of success.
My Raise Your Voice Speakers Club is a safe and sacred space for you to come into your full potential. It’s a space for you to learn the art of connection through your heartfelt message. It’s a space where your story and its impact on the world truly matter.
The Badass Warriors Circle Mastermind supports the development of spiritual practice when living your dream. It walks you through the shift in mindset that creates new results while building your business from your passion. It will show you the tools for success and creates a supportive space with like-minded women to develop and grow your awareness.
There is no better time to start the journey of believing in yourself.
Let me be your partner in belief.
Let me support you with all my wisdom, knowledge, and imagination. I will call upon you to transport your burning desire into a life you will love.
You matter to me. Your life and purpose matter to me and the world.
What’s it going to take for you to be in alignment with your heart’s calling?
Let’s see what plan we can create for you to step into your success.
Let’s connect and talk. Take this 30-minute Badass Strategy Session and change your life forever. I look forward to a heart-to-heart connection that will give you a path to your owning your voice, your purpose, and your success.
You can even place quotations!
Be The Impactful Badass you want to be
Book a 30 minute call to create a breakthrough about becoming the badass you know you can be