The Journey of Doing Sacred Work by Brenda R. Bryan

A couple of weeks ago, I was doing my evening affirmation meditation. I received a download during the meditation that brought tingles to my nervous system. I could feel a truth that had escaped me, even realizing that I teach spiritual evolution.

The download said, “You need to recognize your sacred work on this planet.”

Like I said, chills.

I get it that I was not seeing the forest for the trees. How about you? Is it true that you can not see what is right in front of you sometimes?

When I was five years old, I started receiving downloads that were so far removed from my conditions and circumstances that I had no idea how to take it all in. My dad was very involved with being a church deacon; he held a very sacred view of the world and his work in it. I remember I wanted to know what it meant to work with universal laws, digging into what it all means.

As I continued to evolve, the messaging continued. I was excited and frightened at the same time. I was already an outcast in my community, the family’s black sheep; what would I do with all this new language and insights? I kept quiet, not telling anyone what was happening, as I forged ahead with the search to find someone who could inform me and clue me into what was happening. It would take years before I came across the community where others also received this type of guidance.

When I became involved with the Feminist movement, I was totally guided by divine intervention. It became the sacred space where I could tie the language of universal sacredness to the actions of being a change agent. After checking out a lot of different spiritual practices, I learned that beginning an activist for change was sacred work.

While in the middle of a protest in 1983, I got another big message. “This is not the way to create the change you seek.”

OK, so what do I do with that? First, I said, “Thank you for lighting up my path this way.” Then I kept asking to be shown, show me the path I needed to follow.

A few months later, a book fell on my head at the library. Sign Number One. This book discussed “Working from the Inside Out” by Sonja Johnson. Everything had a new meaning once I read the book, and a very different challenge faced me: Where would I go to learn what it is to work “from the inside out”?

Sign Number Two – I repeatedly heard the song from the Mamas and Papas, “California Dreaming,” in my head.

Sign Number Three – A trip to Vancouver, BC, while recovering from major surgery. I met up with a dear sister I had lived with in co-op housing. She wanted the both of us to go somewhere to take a new step in our lives. She had a catalog from Heartwood Institute, a residential healing arts school in the mountains of Northern California. On the inside cover was a young woman sitting in a field holding a baby fawn in her arms. This young deer triggers a response from my body. It was a complete and total “YES, I want that.” I want to be that calm, peaceful presence who could hold a baby fawn in my arms.

Hooray- I had found the resource I was looking for, right there in my hands, the answer to my request for the path light up before me!

Three months later, I started a new chapter of my life, the life of a healer, the life of learning to heal from the inside out.

I eventually earned my credentials as a Transformational Therapist. Working with hypnosis, breathwork, conscious communications, and many other tools, I started to make my way to the next chapter of putting the training to work.

I moved to Vancouver, BC, where I opened a practice and built a new community; after a few years, I found myself back at Heartwood Institute doing my healing work and completing another level of my training. As it turns out, I now want to stay and live in Heartwood. I took on the job of operations manager, taking care of 240 acres of land and 30,000 square feet of classrooms, managing seven departments with 50 staff, and caring for over 150 people daily. I got to do the most amazing work, combining all my skills for a place that had changed my life. I got to take my activist training, healing arts training, and community-building skills and bring it all to this micro-climate to test-run my theory on what heals.

What stops conflict and creates harmony? What can we do with what we have and change lives? What is the Sacred work that transforms lives?

I was hired because I had become the “unelected major “of this healing arts community. I was called in to align the mission statement with the behavior of the owners, managers, and staff. They were hiring me to heal a deep rift between vision and actions. I was in.

This was sacred work, a healing community teaching others how to be healers, yet they could not align the mission, the work, and the results. What a fantastic opportunity to test all my training in a living environment.

Some eight years would pass, and all my work paid off. The residents all reported similar awareness that the environment at Heartwood had shifted and that the agreement and protocols provided a unique opportunity for everyone who came to Heartwood Institute to be heard and heal their lives because of the safe container we had committed to and achieved.

Our transformation at Heartwood was a sacred journey, supporting others to work from the inside out, a shift to become the change you want to see in the world. We were allowed to become the sacred ripple effect that we heard about.

Since getting certified as a Dream Builder, I can take my transformational work to a new level of proven, reliable, and repeatable systems. This sacred work reinforces my commitment to equality, personal growth, and living a life worthy of the power of being you.

I intend to keep doing my calling as a change agent. My work is about helping each individual recognize the power within, the source that breathes through you, and the ability to step out into the world and use your unique gifts, passions, and desires. You are needed to change the conditions and circumstances that have kept us trapped until now.

  • Have you been finding yourself hitting that glass ceiling, feeling the burden of stress, living with high anxiety?
  • Are the internal stories you are unconsciously tied to stopping you from living a life you love?
  • What if you could change all of that?
  • What would that be worth to you?

You can change it with this proven, reliable, and repeatable system. You can take on the sacred work to build a life you will love. These tools will travel with you for the rest of your life as you grasp the traction to reprogram your unconscious and make the dreams that want to come through you.

Are you ready to live with ease and new possibilities? Then, come to the DreamBuilders workshop and learn the 3-step framework to harness the Higher Power that guides you and the intuition within you to transform your life.

You are a sacred being called to shine your light in the world. You are needed now.

Let’s get started with this one step: sign up to attend one of my workshops, and we will get the ball rolling toward a life you will love.

You can even place quotations!

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