DreamBuilders Coaching: Transforming Dreams into Reality by Brenda R. Bryan
As I build my business and practice, I have endeavored to be an impactful coach/mentor. I started my journey to develop these skills almost 40 years ago. Over the duration of this journey, one of the most challenging things for me was knowing that the work I was doing had an impact. So often, we are told to speak to our clients about results. I know what I see from my viewpoint, but is that the same for my clients? I asked a few of my supporters to write or make a video of their results.
Below is one such client, Lynn Deal. Lynn wrote from her own experience in her own words. She speaks about her results and the dream she is deciding to achieve.
Recommendation for DreamBuilder Coach, Brenda R. Bryan
By Lynn Deal
Dec. 2023Three years ago, I began working with Transformational Coach, Brenda R. Bryan because I was unwilling to live as a burnt-out divorcee with two college degrees.
Personal counseling and marriage therapy had been helpful earlier in my life. This time, personal transformation – rather than relationship guidance or anxiety assistance – was my objective.
My research and design projects were no longer fulfilling, nor were new or familiar activities. Most importantly, I no longer trusted anybody with anything. Feeling this way at 59 years old was terrible. I wouldn’t say I liked it. I had paid for two college degrees to learn; I now hired Coach Brenda to ‘relearn’ spunk, joy, and motivation.
Coach Brenda agreed to help me overcome my constant anguish, and I am happy to report that Brenda’s DreamBuilding program fixed my despair.
These past 36 months were quite different from my prior cocktails of setting goals, taking pharmaceutical pills, and seeking information from medical professionals. DreamBuilder coaching transformed me by helping me address and clarify what is right in my life.
Brenda’s positive guidance was immediately helpful and very refreshing. My first six months of coaching were active. In addition to our two individual sessions each month, I read four assigned books and participated in Brenda’s weekly speakers club for women. The name of her club, “Raise Your Voice,” continues to amuse me today. Our multiple sessions and recommended readings allowed me to hone in on self-affirmation in ways I did not consider conceited or problematic to others. A new page of life was beckoning me.
Times of personal duress did occur during those first six months, like when Brenda advised me to do what I could with what I had. I’d wanted to say, “I’ve done what I could with what I had all my life,” but decided not to share how I’d pulled myself up by my bootstraps or how I had come to believe those efforts were probably the cause of my current burnout. I decided to accept that even if my former method of operation had, in fact, caused my current burnout, it had also brought me to Coach Brenda.
I continued with my DreamBuilder program. I’ve tweaked my former motto to reflect what Brenda has taught me: “Using what I have to do what I can is the best resource in the world.”
Brenda’s coaching helped me recognize and visualize desires instead of goals. When I began focusing on my vocational desires rather than goals, I began to understand what I truly wanted rather than what I thought, expected, or endured. Her coaching during the weekly Speakers Club meetings also enhanced my ability to speak in front of a crowd. I no longer feel faint or have wobbly knees when speaking to groups, plus I’ve learned some presentation formulas that help me better engage with others.
My burnout had receded by the end of the first year, but I still felt very vulnerable. Thank goodness Brenda was consistent with her kindness, truthfulness, integrity, and rewarding guidance. She did what she could with what she had for my benefit as her client. Seeing Brenda use her own advice during our coaching sessions is wonderful.
My newly enhanced communication skills quickly led to other favorable developments. By sharing my perspectives on clothing design and textile history, I accepted a fellow speaker’s club member’s invitation to design garments using traditional fabrics for a cross-cultural fashion show fundraiser. This opportunity helped me start to feel good about my vocation again. On the heels of that project, I accepted another commission for a regional sculpture exhibit at The Maryhill Museum of Art, an internationally recognized museum. I spoke at both events with ease and sparked interest among my audiences.
Coach Brenda actively supported both of these endeavors, modeling my original design in the fashion show and driving four hours to and from Maryhill’s sculpture exhibit with me. These actions furthered my belief in her guidance, and I can genuinely say, “I am no longer burnt out, and my vulnerable feelings are healed!”
Brenda’s transformational coaching intertwined with my personal hindrances and resources in a very successful way. I feel rejuvenated, more trusting, and, most importantly, more positive about my place in this world. My relationships develop and become more meaningful each month; I’m excited about my vocation once more, my health continues to improve, and I have no new physical ailments, and my former feelings of constant constraint have been replaced with feelings of expansive freedom to be myself.
Now that I have learned how to turn finite goals into dream-worthy objectives, I’m really looking forward to working with Brenda this next year. I have several projects on my burner and am excited to see how they will pan out because I know now that they will come to fruition in ways I never expected. I’m incredibly grateful Brenda R. Bryan has been my coach these past three years, for I am living proof that she is a fantastic DreamBuilding Coach.
If you are someone finding it difficult to achieve the results you seek.
If you are someone who knows you are meant for something more.
I have a program designed to walk you through the language of success.
These methods are proven, reliable, predictable systems that have supported thousands to build a life they love, a life built on passion and desire.
With this work, you get to design the life you want, the life that feeds and nurtures your wildest possibility. Every day you choose to step into your own vision, the greater your rewards are, the more significant inner peace you will discover. Hold your intuition, listen to your higher power, and take action from the generated feelings of your vision. Learn the language of success.
As a certified DreamBuilders Coach, I am excited to continue my growth and, with it, the growth and transformation of my clients.
If you’d like to lay out a plan for your success, sign up for a FREE 60-minute consultation:
This year, 2024, you will achieve results beyond your imagination.
Brenda R Bryan
Diviner of Human Potential, DreamBuilders/Transformational Coach
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